Friday, March 27, 2009

Chlamydia rates on the rise -

"Chlamydia rates on the rise

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rates of chlamydia infection increased in 2007 for the seventh consecutive year. In 2007, 1.1 million chlamydia diagnoses were reported. This is a 7.5 percent increase from 2006!"

Youngsters urged to take free chlamydia tests (From Dorset Echo)

"Youngsters urged to take free chlamydia tests

YOUNG people are urged to take advantage of free chlamydia testing to combat the disease in Dorset.

A hard-hitting campaign by Dorset NHS highlights the message ‘if you’ve ever had unprotected sex you could have chlamydia and not know it’.

The message will appear on buses, posters and leaflets to let people know how they can get a free test."

Delivery of chlamydia screening to young women requesting emergency hormonal contraception at pharmacies in Manchester, UK : a prospective study. - 7thSpace Interactive

"Delivery of chlamydia screening to young women requesting emergency hormonal contraception at pharmacies in Manchester, UK : a prospective study.

More women are requesting Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) at pharmacies where screening for Chlamydia trachomatis is not routinely offered. The objective of this study was to assess the uptake of free postal chlamydia screening by women under 25 years who requested EHC at pharmacies in Manchester, UK."

Friday, March 20, 2009

Testing kits for chlamydia launched

"Testing kits for chlamydia launched

A SCHEME to detect the sexually transmitted infection chlamydia has been launched.

Pharmacies across the region are giving testing kits to under-25s, seen as the age group most commonly affected.

In Allerdale, 15 pharmacies will be giving out the kits, backed by NHS Cumbria. The test is painless and easy to carry out. The sample can be dropped off at any doctors’ where it will be sent for testing."

NHS Hounslow offers Chlamydia testing kits through online form and test results by text

NHS Hounslow offers Chlamydia testing kits through online form and test results by text: "NHS Hounslow offers Chlamydia testing kits through online form and test results by text

NHS Hounslow has launched an awareness campaign to encourage more young people to be tested for Chlamydia, which is often called the ‘silent’ disease due to the lack of noticeable symptoms in both men and women. If left untreated it can lead to serious health problems such as infertility."

Thousands to be sent chlamydia test kits (From Echo)

Thousands to be sent chlamydia test kits (From Echo): "Thousands to be sent chlamydia test kits

A HEALTH trust is mailing out thousands of chlamydia testing kits to young people in Southend, Rochford and Castle Point in an effort to halt the disease’s spread.

NHS South East Essex says one sexually active young person in ten tests positive for chlamydia, making it one of the most common sexually transmitted infections.

Mailing out kits is part of the NHS’s screening programme and will continue through the year.

The first batch of 6,000 will hit doormats in the coming weeks, with everyone aged between 18 and 24 due to get one within a year."

Saturday, March 14, 2009 - Chlamydia on the rise in Utah - Chlamydia on the rise in Utah: "SALT LAKE CITY -- The number of cases of Chlamydia in Utah is on the rise. New data shows the number of reported cases of the sexually transmitted disease jumped 5 percent in the last year."